We have you covered.

More than ever, the world is subject to constant change. We are embracing this change and supporting it with our expertise and commitment.

It is our job to ensure that the information entrusted to us by our customers is processed and stored securely at all times.

It is our mission to identify current threats at an early stage and prevent damage to us and our customers.

And it is our motivation to always be at least one step ahead of the attackers.

Security Management & Data Protection

IT security is a complex field in which it is easy to lose track. A certain level of regulations and specifications helps us to operate our systems and applications securely and to meet our customers’ requirements regarding the security of the data entrusted to us. To this end, we operate an information security management system (ISMS) that has been ISO 27001-certified since 2021.

In addition, we support our customers in implementing their own legal and regulatory requirements for IT security. In doing so, we promote the idea of not reinventing the wheel, but sharing knowledge and experience within the ICI Group and learning from others.

Security Consulting

The security of data, applications and systems must be taken into account in the early planning phases of new projects. We have an experienced team ready to provide advice and support to both customers and other departments within the company.

We deal with new developments in IT at an early stage, carry out risk assessments and evaluate the potential impact of using new technologies. Our focus is always on the business requirements of our customers, for whom we take on the role of “trusted advisor” as a discussion partner who – if necessary – also critically scrutinizes a new idea.

Security Operations

To protect our data, applications and systems, it is necessary to identify potential problems at an early stage and respond to them. To this end, we operate a large number of security systems centrally at all levels of our infrastructure, which we monitor around the clock. This also includes the operation of a training platform for all ICI Group employees, as our employees are the most important link in the chain of our security measures.

Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Reliable completion of accounting processes, annual audits and tax audits.


Human Resources & Legal

Human Resources & Legal

Professional planning for human resources and organization.


Infor­­mation Manage­­ment

Infor­mation Manage­ment

Information technology and information systems are the nervous system of any successful business.




Secure operation of our systems and applications and protection of our personal data.




The Group Accounting and Group Reporting team prepares the group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements and is responsible for the global reporting of ICIG.
